April 2020 Meeting Minutes

April 2020 Meeting Minutes

Tuesday April 14th, 2020

Meeting called to order 7:06 P.M. by LG

Present for the video board meeting: LG, JC, AJ, MD, HM, CB, CS, CC, RF

Absent: RS, CA

Motion made by MD;” I move that the LGIA maintain the 2020/21 tax rate at the $200.00 per property and redevelop the budget on that income.” 2nd by JC. Passed.

Motion made by MD;” I move that the LGIA defer interest charges for 90 days for delinquent 2020/21 taxes.” 2nd by AJ. Passed.

By default the 2020/21 budget will be the same as 2019/20 budget was.

Treasurer and tax collector’s reports entered as turned in for the record.

Motion made by HM to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by JC. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.