June 2024 Meeting Minutes

June 2024 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: June 11th, 2024

7:00 pm Battistoni Beach

Board Members:

Present: J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, S. Manafort, C. Scully, A.J. Singh.

Absent: J. McNeil, L. Gezelman, C. Castrogiovanni, P. Anthony

Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Vice President, J. Cragin
  • Board Vice President JC called for items of new business
  • Motion to approve the May meeting minutes. Motion made by M. Duchow, second by S. Manafort. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report Report presented by A.J. Singh and will be placed on record.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow. The report will be placed on record. Delinquent accounts continue to decrease. Tax collector to change the report format.

Lake Report: Second lake treatment was on June 11th.

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Event Committee Report:  J.McNeil proposes to have an ice cream social an hour before the July board meeting.

Old Business:

New Business: Concerns about dogs on beaches were discussed. There have been several complaints regarding Children’s and Moore Beaches. Secretary, P. Anthony to send out an eblast reminding LGIA members of the dog rule which strictly prohibits dogs on beaches. The rule is in place per the Farmington Valley Health Department as a health concern. Also, recommend the Secretary remind members to obey all the beach and lake rules and to reiterate no fishing on beaches as loose hooks could injure bare feet in the eblast. (Add the link to the relevant pages on the website in the eblast. Also, a reminder that members are required to take out of the open spaces and beaches what they bring in.

(Also, make note: that infractions of the rules can result in a fine not exceeding three times the annual assessment ($250) for any one offence.)

J. Cragin reported that LGIA received a registered letter from Monce Road Properties, LLC regarding the demolition of Marinelli’s which will commence in the coming months. S. Manafort reported there was a delay in the demolition as the excavator’s equipment was vandalized.

C, Castrogiovanni asked via an email to the board whether moorings are allowed in the lake. (They are not)

L. Gezelman asked J. Cragin to recommend that the board increase the stipend to Madison, the young lady who cleans two of the beaches of goose droppings by two dollars. S. Manafort made a motion to increase Madison’s stipend by two dollars; M. Duchow seconded. Motion passed.

Comments by association members:

-Brian Simard commented on youth fishing off the new boardwalk on the trail just off Battistoni beach and leaving behind trash.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 by S. Manafort. Seconded by M. Duchow. Motion passed.

The summer meeting schedule is as follows:

-Children’s Beach on July 9th

-Moore Beach in August 13th

Next meeting is July 9th, 2024, at 7:00 pm Children’s Beach.

Respectively submitted by C. Scully filling in for P. Anthony