September 2024 Meeting Minutes

September 2024 Meeting Minutes

(Subject to approval at the October Meeting)

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: September 10th, 2024

7:00 pm 321 New Britain Ave – Farmington Senior Center

Board Members:

Present: P. Anthony, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, S. Manafort, J. McNeill, A.J. Singh, L. Gezelman, C. Castrogiovanni

Absent: C. Scully

Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm by President, L. Gezelman
  • Motion to accept August meeting minutes made by J. Cragin, seconded by J. McNeill. Motion passed.
  • Board President LG called for items of new business

Treasurer’s Report Report presented by A.J. Singh and will be placed on record.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow. The report will be placed on record.

Lake Report: All lake treatments were completed. The projected cost for next years treatment will be presented to the board in January of 2025.

Event Committee Report:  Ice cream social in July was well attended. The regatta in August was also well attended.

Upcoming events: Chili Cookoff and Apple pie bakeoff on September 28th. New event proposed. Trunk or treat at Children’s beach on October 31st. A caroling event was proposed for December 21st.

J. Mcneill will be the point person for the new policy on events/parties.

Old Business: None

New Business:

Set of rules for member guests and use of the beach for parties. S. Manafort will begin drafting a policy.

The president got a bid for a survey company to access areas around the dam. Dufour Surveying LLC gave a quote od $3,600.00 – $4,400.00. J. Cragin made a motion to spend the money for the survey. S. Manafot seconded. Motion passed.

A digital newsletter was proposed to go out quarterly by S. Manafort. S. Manafort made a motion to create the newsletter. Seconded by C. Castrogiovanni. Motion passed.

Members will be asked to remove boats from the racks for the winter. November 30th to April 1st is the proposed time period. It will be communicated in the newsletter and digitally.

Elections: Will be held at the October meeting.

Public Comments by association members:

  • Suggestion to add the minutes to the website (with a “subject to approval”) earlier than they currently are added. This was approved.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 by J. Cragin. Seconded by S. Manafort. Motion passed.

Next meeting is October 8th

Respectively submitted by P. Anthony