Meeting Minutes

April 2024 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: April 9th, 2024

7:00 pm 321 New Britain Ave – Farmington Senior Center

Board Members:

Present: P. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman , C. Scully, S. Manafort, AJ Singh.

Absent: J. Cragin, J. McNeil

Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by Chair, L. Gezelman
  • Board President LG called for items of new business
  • Motion to approve the March meeting minutes. Motion made by C. Castrogiovanni, second by S. Manafort . Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report Report presented by A.J. Singh and will be placed on record.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow. The report will be placed on record.

Lake Report: Notification from the lake cleaning company will come soon about beginning the lake cleaning. Treatments should begin in May.

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Event Committee Report:  N/A

Old Business:

New Business: Website updates will be made. Inquiry will be sent out about a rowing group.

Comments by association members:

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 by S. Manafort. Seconded by M. Duchow. Motion passed.

Next meeting is May 14th 2024 at 7:00 pm The Farmington Senior Center.

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March 2023 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: March 12th, 2024

7:00 pm 321 New Britain Ave – Farmington Senior Center

Board Members:

Present: P. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman            J. McNeil, C. Scully, AJ Singh, S. Manafort.


Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm by Chair, L. Gezelman
  • Board President LG called for items of new business
  • Motion to approve the January meeting minutes. Motion made by J. Cragin, second by R. Frey. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report AJ Singh presented the treasurer’s report. Report will be placed on record. 2024/25 Budget was also presented in the lead up to the April General Meeting. The budget was approved by the board for presentation to the membership.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow. The report will be placed on record.

Lake Report: Lake was lowered in the beginning of March. It will come back up at the beginning of April. A clean up project will be taking place this month.

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Event Committee Report:  Easter Egg hunt will be March 30th at 11:00am.

Old Business: An abandoned boat in the water was brought up.  It will be looked at and removed.

New beach signs will go up after Easter.

New Business: Conversation was had about walking trails and boundries.

Comments by association members: Question about the open board position. It was stated that the position will be advertised prior to the fall elections.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 by L. Gezelman. Seconded by J. McNeil. Motion passed.

Next meeting is April 9th 2024 at 7:00 pm The Farmington Senior Center.

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December 2023 Meeting minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: December 12th, 2023

7:00 pm 321 New Britain Ave – Farmington Senior Center

Board Members:

Present: P. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman J. McNeil, C. Scully, AJ Singh, S. Manafort.


Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by Chair, L. Gezelman
  • Board President LG called for items of new business
  • Motion to approve the November meeting minutes. Motion made by C. Castrogiovanni, second by R. Frey. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report AJ Singh presented the treasurer’s report. Report will be placed on record.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow. The report will be placed on record.

Lake Report: The lake treatment company has presented a plan for treatment in 2024.

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Event Committee Report: Holiday singing was purposed for the 23rd of December from 4-6pm at Battistoni Beach.

Old Business:

Fish Study:  The results of the fish study have come back and will be distributed.

Lake Lowering: Discussion was had about the benefits of lake lowering. Further information will be sought prior to making a decision about lowering the lake for the winter.

New Business:

Walkway in Battistoni Park: The project was completed by J. Cragin. The pollinator pathways project would like to something along the walkway.

Comments by association members:

Member Brian Simard talked about the small pond in 8 acres where we have a drain that is in need of routine cleaning especially in the fall. The president will be adding this to his maintenance duties in the coming year.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 by M. Duchow . Seconded by J. McNeil . Motion passed.

Next meeting is January 9th 2023 at 7:00 pm The Farmington Senior Center.

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November 2023 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: November 14th, 2023

7:00 pm 321 New Britain Ave – Farmington Senior Center

Board Members:

Present: P. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman J. McNeil, C. Scully, AJ Singh, S. Manafort.


Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm by Chair, L. Gezelman
  • Board President LG called for items of new business.

Treasurer’s Report AJ Singh presented the treasurer’s report. Report will be placed on record.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow. $4,158.00 in collections came in last month. 28 accounts had liens placed on them. The report will be placed on record.

Lake Report: N/A

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Event Committee Report: N/A

Old Business:

New Business:

Tree quotes:  We received quotes on two large pine trees in the Battistoni Beach parking lot. The quote was in the amount of $4,000.00. Motion made by J. Cragin to increase our tree budget by $2,000.00 to accommodate the quote. Second by S. Manafort.  Motion passes.

Walkway in Battistoni Park: Quote for the new walkway would be $2,500.00 in materials and $2,500.00 in labor. This is $2,500.00 higher than previously budgeted. Motion made by J. Cragin to approve the cost of the project in the amount of $5,000.00. Second by J. McNeil. Motion passes.

Bridge over the damn: There is a need for sealant for the boards/walkway. J. Cragin will be doing the project.

Signs: New signs will be placed at the beaches soon. This is the conclusion of this project.

Boat Racks: Discussion about cleaning up the boat rack that will be pushed to next year.

Abandoned Vehicle: Discussion about an abandoned van on Westside Blvd. The President will be looking into the matter.

Lake Lowering: This will happen around mid-December.

Comments by association members:

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:41 by J. Cragin. Seconded by P. Anthony. Motion passed.

Next meeting is December 12th at 7:00 pm The Farmington Senior Center.

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September 2023 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: September 12th, 2023

7:00 pm 321 New Britain Ave – Farmington Senior Center

Board Members:

Present: P. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni,, M. Duchow, R. Frey, J. McNeil,

C. Scully, AJ Singh, R. St.Pierre

Absent: C. Contreras, J. Cragin.

Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by Chair, L. Gezelman
  • Motion to accept August meeting minutes made by C. Castrogiovanni, seconded by J. McNeil. Motion passed.
  • Board President LG called for items of new business.

Treasurer’s Report AJ Singh presented the treasurer’s report. Report placed on record.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow.  Discussion was also had about a recent home sale that was part of a now defunct association this has been taken care of. The report will be placed on record.

Lake Report: Last lake treatment was on Wednesday, September 6th.  We will continue with the same company next year.

Encroachment Committee: No report.

Event Committee Report: No report.

Old Business:

-Meeting about zoning and board of appeals was postponed to September 19th.  This was in regards to potential work being done by a member of the association. The President will be attending the meeting.  Discussion ensued about the topic.

New Business:

-New signs for the beaches were presented

Comments by association members:

-M. Simard brought up the issue of a boat on LGIA property.  The President will address this.

-A pipe and drain at Children’s Beach is in need of maintenance. The President will take care of this.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 by P. Anthony, seconded by R. Frey . Motion passed.

Next meeting is October 10th at 7:00 pm The Farmington Senior Center.

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August 2023 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: August 8th, 2023
7:00 pm Battistoni Beach

Board Members:
Present: P. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, J. McNeil,
C. Scully, AJ Singh, R. St.Pierre.

Absent: C. Contreras.

Quorum present? Yes

· Meeting called to order at 6:59 pm by Chair, L. Gezelman
· Motion to accept August meeting minutes made by J. Cragin, seconded by M. Duchow. Motion passed.
· Board President LG called for items of new business.

Treasurer’s Report – AJ Singh presented the treasurer’s report. Report placed on record.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow and placed on record.

Lake Report: Fourth lake treatment on Wednesday, August 9th. one treatment remaining in the month of September.

Encroachment Committee: No report.

Event Committee Report: No report.

Old Business:

-Update on previously conversation about minors acting inappropriately at the beach. The conversations and letter have led to improvement of the situation.

New Business:

-Trees have been falling down in the lake and on LGIA property. The President has been sourcing quotes for removal. We expect the trees to be removed in the next week.

-Discussion/Reminder about the FEMA flood plain and how it impacts residents projects.

-A Conversation was had about a project that one of the members wants to do on their property and how it impacts association property.

-J. Cragin made a motion to take a vote to oppose the project at the appeals meeting next week. Seconded by R. St. Pierre. The motion passed unanimously.

-J. Cragin made a motion to appropriate up to $2,500.00 to improve the walking path from Battistoni beach to Circle Drive as the area is constantly wet. Seconded but M. Duchow. Motion passed.

-Motion Made C. Castrogiovanni to reimburse J. McNeil for Pollinator Project mulch in the amount of $100.00. Seconded by P. Anthony. Motion passed.

Comments by association members:

-M. Simard made a comment about a boat on association property. A Conversation will be had with the owner of the boat .

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 by J. Cragin, seconded by R. St. Pierre. Motion passed.

Next meeting is September 12th at 7:00 pm The Farmington Senior Center.

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July 2023 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes July 11th, 2023

7pm Children’s Beach

Board Members

Present: L Gezelman, R Frey, C Castrogiovanni, J Cragin, M Duchow, J McNeill, C Scully, R St Pierre

Absent: C Contreras, AJ Singh, P Anthony

Quorum Present? Yes


Meeting called to order at 7pm by Chair, LG;

Motion to accept June meeting minutes made by C Castrogiovanni and seconded by J Cragin

J McNeill asked to be included in Board correspondence. C Scully contacted AJ Singh with a request.

Board President LG called for items of new business

Treasurer’s Report:

LG presented the report  in AJ Singh’s absence  and noted that this month included property taxes to both Burlington and Farmington totaling nearly $8,000.

Tax Collector Report

Update presented by M Duchy and placed on record. As payments are now overdue by 60 days he will place liens on payments still due following the return of his vacation in August.

Lake Report:

Lake will be treated tomorrow, Wednesday July 12th. LG reminded those present that the lake is off bounds tomorrow to allow the treatment to be as effective as possible. J McNeill to put up caution tape along all three beaches as a reminder in the morning.

LG to call the treatment company and ask them to check off the boxes for “no swimming” and “no boating” to avoid confusion.

Encroachment Committee:                     No report

Event Committee Report:                       

J McNeill (with the help of Suzanne Manafort)  has put together a list of events planned, the first of which will be YOGA on Eight Acres for the Sundays @ 9am  in the month of August. Bring your mat or towel and a water bottle for a lesson on the beach with Suzanne (masterclass yoga teacher).  The event is free.

P Anthony to eblast everyone with the YOGA details.

Old Business:


Claudia is working on signs for the beach.

Boat Racks:

J Cragin is looking at places to erect new boat stands to accommodate the increase in lake craft.

LG mentioned that a resident of Woodcrest Condos had asked to join the Association. Upon further research, LG established that 8 of the 20 condos were within the residential line.  In addition the condo association have their own by-laws and rules and he came to the conclusion it would be too difficult to absorb the 8 condo units & their by-laws  into the Association so therefore declined the request.

New Business:

Lake Garda Pollinator Pathway Group Proposal

LGPPG has received an offer of a  donation of 8 herbaceous perennials from the Burlington Pollinator Pathway Group  which they would like to plant on Moore Beach. A discussion ensued as to where these should be planted between the Group and LG. It was agreed that a final place at Moore Beach/Dam area  would  be agreed between LG and the Group before the plants arrived to be planted later this month.

Battistoni Beach Issues

Various residents highlighted the problems encountered with some troublemaker teens and young adults that have blighted Battistoni Beach over the last four months. J Sullivan detailed his experiences over the last four months and has numerous video tapes with evidence. One resident from Lido has had a car stolen.

S Mannafort mentioned that she encountered two kids on her private beach today who were non residents and claimed their aunt lived here. They had clearly taken someone’s peddle boat. She told them they were not allowed and they left. She has also had grandchildren that were intimidated by teens on Battistoni Beach and no longer feel comfortable going there to play.

Several residents were frustrated that this has been going on for several months now., with seemingly little progress.

Other instances of child bullying, sexual acts, bad language and violence and destruction of property by the teens and college age kids were repeated by residents who live near Battistoni beach.

LG acknowledged the  issues and detailed his actions to date. He said he has been in touch with the police. He has a Marshall that is waiting to serve in person the father of the particular resident teen at the root of the problems. The non-resident friends of the son have already been banned. He added that it is particularly difficult dealing with minors and that residents should be careful when interacting with minors as they could potentially get  into legal difficulties.

He also reiterated that any guests at the beaches should be accompanied by residents and added that any resident is entitled to ask non residents to leave, but stressed that they should not get into an altercation but walk away and call the police.

Potential solutions were discussed such as more signage; CCTV surveillance signs perhaps or PRIVATE PROPERTY NO TRESPASSING signage security guards for a limited time for rest of season; but nothing was agreed.

Apparently the Farmington policemen tell the residents when they call  that a Board Member needs to register a complaint.

J Cragin offered for them to call him every time there was an issue and he would call the police.

J Cragin  Cell #:  860 833 7743

C Castrovianni also gave her cell #: : in case J Cragin was unavailable:

C Castrogiovanni CEll #:860 877  5000

J McNeill to put the cell #s on the LGIA website for reference.

J Cragin asked J Sullivan to share the videos he has with him.

Next Meeting:

Battistoni Beach: 8th August @ 7pm

J Cragin motioned to end the meeting. C Scully seconded the motion

Meeting was adjourned

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June 2023 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: June 13th, 2023

7:00 PM Moore Beach

Board Members:

Present: P. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman J. McNeil,  AJ Singh.

Absent: C. Contreras, C. Scully, R. St.Pierre

Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair, LG
  • Motion to accept May meeting minutes made by J. McNeil, seconded by J. Cragin. Motion passed.
  • Board President LG called for items of new business.

Treasurer’s Report AJ Singh presented the treasurer’s report. Report placed on record.

Tax Collector Report – Report presented by M. Duchow and placed on record.

Lake Report: – Second lake treatment will be on Thursday, June 15th. 

Encroachment Committee: – No report

Event Committee Report: No report

Old Business: – C. Castrogiovanni gave a report on the new signs for the beaches and will continue to source quotes.

Boat racks – We are currently looking at whether or not additional boat racks are needed at the beaches.

New Business:

Discussion about lake water testing by the health department and that they test on a weekly basis.

Comments by association members: N/A

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 by C. Castrogiovanni seconded by             M. Duchow. Motion passed.

Next meeting is July 11th at 7:00 PM Children’s Beach.

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May 2023 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: May 9, 2023
7:00 pm Farmington Community Center

Board Members:
Present: L. Gezelman, R. St.Pierre, C. Scully, AJ Singh, M. Duchow, R. Frey, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, H. Monnerat

Absent: C. Contreras, P. Anthony
Quorum present? Yes

• Meeting called to order at 7:05p.m. by Chair, LG
• Motion to accept April meeting minutes made by H. Monnerat, seconded by M.Duchow. Motion passed.
• Board President LG called for items of new business.

Treasurer’s Report – AJ Singh presented the treasurer’s report. Report placed on record.
Tax Collector Report – Report presented by M. Duchow and placed on record.

Lake Report: – First lake treatment scheduled for May 10th residents are asked not to go into the lake as it disturbs the treatment. Lake treatments are not toxic to people or pets. New state regulations for lakes state that notice must be sent to homes that are directly on the lake. Emails to be sent to lakeside residents.

Boats that don’t have stickers will be removed. Prior to removal a notice will be sent. The goal is to transition all boats to have stickers rather than addresses printed on them. May need to consider building more boat racks.

Encroachment Committee: – No report
Event Committee Report: No report.

New Business:

Halaree Monerat submitted her resignation from the LGIA Board effective 5/9/23. She has moved outside of the LGIA boundaries to be a member household.

Per An Act Incorporating The Lake Garda Improvement Association – Section 5: “Any vacancy in the positions of officers or directors occurring prior to the end of the applicable term should be filled by the board of directors to serve for the remaining portion of that term”. Julie McNeill of 4 Westside Blvd volunteered to fill the vacancy. A motion nominating Julie as an interim director made by AJ Singh seconded by C. Castrogiovanni. Motion passed.

R. Frey suggested we go back to meeting at the beaches in the summer. The summer board meeting schedule is amended as follows:
June meeting – Battistoni Beach
July Meeting – Children’s Beach
August Meeting – Moore Beach

Comments by association members:
Marie Simard will plant pussy willows near her property on LGIA property to help with the lake bank erosion.

Joe Sullivan – 2 Colony said there has been a lot of unsanctioned activity at Battistoni Beach – including middle schoolers some of whom may not be residents of LGIA including beating each other, sinking of boats in the lake, unattended fires. Farmington Police responded at least three times as has the State Police. Joe indicated that the police response has been unsatisfactory. It was suggested that the Farmington Police Chief should be notified of his department’s unsatisfactory response. LGIA to file formal complaints in both Farmington and Burlington

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 by J. Cragin seconded by M.Duchow. Motion passed.

Next meeting is June 13th at 7:00 pm Battistoni Beach.

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April 2023 General Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
General Meeting Minutes: April 11th, 2023
7:30 pm Farmington Senior Center

Meeting called to order at 7:34pm by President L. Gezelman

Approval of Fall Minutes: Marie Simard made a motion. Second by Mark Castrogiovanni.  Motion carries.

Treasurer’s Report: Report presented by the treasurer, A.J. Singh.  Total cash in hand $145,428.19. Report will be placed on record.  The budget was discussed in detail.

Tax Collector’s Report: Report presented by the tax collector, M. Duchow. 515 billable properties with 32 delinquent accounts. 11 of the delinquent accounts have gone to our legal team who handles accounts owing more than $500.00.

President’s Report: The lake treatment will be starting in the next few weeks with the first of 5 treatments.  The dam has been closed and the area around it has been cleaned.  The lake is slowly returning to normal level.  The carp in the lake will slowly being removed.  Discussion was had about the geese and what could be done about them. Tree removal was discussed and the need to remove dangerous trees over the next few years as trees age and die.

Transferring Property: Discussion about Property on West Side and Pleasant street that is owned by the town of Burlington and the LGIA was to be quit claimed to the town of Burlington.  Burlington does not want the property.  There was lengthy discussion about what to do with our potion of the lot.  This issue will be tabled for future discussion.

Budget Vote: The budget was voted on and passed unanimously.

Questions from members about the budget were discussed.

New Business:

-Julie McNeil – Pollinator pathway project presentation.  Creation of a committee from within the LGIA was recommended.  Motion made by A.J Singh and seconded by R. Frey to review information from the project and decide on whether to disseminate that information to our membership.

Boat Stickers and Registration: C. Castrogiovanni discussed the boat sticker policy.

Comments: Comments about the clean-up at Battistoni Beach and how great it looks.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 8:27 pm by Chip Anthony. Seconded by H. Monnerat. Motion carried.

Next General Meeting: 7:30 pm October 10th, 2023 at Farmington Senior Center

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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