Meeting Minutes

April 2021 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: April 13th, 2021
7:00 pm Farmington Senior Center, Farmington, CT

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, , C. Scully, A.J. Singh, R. St. Pierre.

Absent: C. Byrne, H. Monnerat

Quorum present? Yes


Meeting called to order: J. Cragin by at 7:02 pm

Approval of March meeting minutes: Motion to approve: C. Anthony. Second: C. Scully.  Motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report: Report presented by the treasurer.  Motion to accept by H. Monnerat. Second:      M. Duchow.  Motion passes.

Tax Collector’s Report: Report presented by the tax collector. The association currently has 504 members, all but 26 are paid.  15 lien releases have happened in the past month.  10 accounts are currently in collections for being above $500.00. Motion to approve: M. Duchow. Second:  A.J. Singh.  Motion passes.

Lake Report: The president will contact the lake treatment company upon his return about current algae concerns.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: No Update

Events Committee: Clean-up day on May 15th at Moore Beach.  This event will be circulated via our social media and e-blast.


New Business:

Bonfires: There was some concern about bonfires happening on lake property. The president will be contacted about these concerns and members were encouraged to call the fire department if they see fires.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:16 pm by H. Monnerat. Seconded by C. Scully. Motion passes.


Next Meeting: 7:00 pm, May 11th 2021 at the Farmington Senior Center.


Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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March 2021 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes for March 2021, Click Here

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January 2021 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: January 12th, 2021 7:00 pm Farmington Senior Center, Farmington, CT

Board Members:

Present: C. Anthony, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, C. Scully, A.J. Singh, R. St. Pierre. Absent: C. Byrne, C. Castrogiovanni, R. Frey, H. Monnerat.

Quorum present? Yes


Meeting called to order: by L.Gezelmen at 7:04 pm

Approval of December meeting minutes with corrections noted: Motion to approve: M. Duchow. Second: J. Cragin. Motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report: Report presented by the treasurer. $127,245.16 net in our account.

Tax Collector’s Report: Three payments came in last month. After the 15th of this month, liens will be

placed on accounts that are overdue.

Lake Report: Two boards were removed. With the recent rain, the lake level remains normal. Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Events Committee: N/A

New Business:

Lake Treatment Contract: A new contract for the lake cleaning in 2021 was given to the President by The Pond and Lake Connection. It was presented to the board and voted on per the terms of the contract. Motion made to approve the contract by J Cragin. Second: R. St. Pierre. Motion passes.

Facebook Page: Our Facebook page is currently not a private group. There are a large number of people on our page that are not members. There is a proposal to create a new page that is private and for members only. All new people added to the page are to be vetted by their address before being admitted to the page.

Boat Rack Proposal: Removal of unmarked boats has been happening. The boat rack committee will be reminded to have a proposal ready prior to February’s meeting.

Comments from members: N/A

Motion to adjourn at 7:39 pm by J. Cragin. Seconded by A.J. Singh. Motion passes. Next Meeting: 7:00 pm, February 9th 2021 at the Farmington Senior Center.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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December 2020 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: December 8th , 2020
7:00 pm Farmington Senior Center, Farmington, CT

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman, H. Monnerat, C. Scully.

Absent: C. Byrne, A.J. Singh, R. St. Pierre.

Quorum present? Yes


Meeting called to order: by L.Gezelmen at 7:04 pm

Approval of November meeting minutes: Motion to approve: J. Cragin Second: C. Castrogiovanni. Motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report: Report presented $140,053.32 net in our account.

Tax Collector’s Report: A large overdue account was paid.  We are now down to two large accounts.  The number of overdue accounts is up from last year.  Liens will be placed after the January meeting.

Lake Report: The lake will be lowered by two boards in two weeks. It will be then lowered at the beginning of March based on weather at the time. The objective is to have the lake back to normal levels by April. Lake maintenance plans for next year were discussed briefly.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Events Committee: N/A

New Business:

Spring Cleaning: A suggestion from R. Frey to get members involved in a spring cleaning project.  This will be discussed again in the spring.

Boat Racks and Boat Committee: Stainless numbers for boat racks were found by C. Castrogiovanni.  Stickers with LGIA logo for boats were also researched. Discussion about the registration of boats and was discussed for spring. A plan and communication to members will be drafted before the March newsletter goes out.

Comments from members:


Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:49 pm by H. Monnerat,  Seconded by J. Cragin motion passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm, January 12th 2020 at the Farmington Senior Center.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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November Meeting Minutes 2020

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: November 10th , 2020 7:00 pm Farmington Senior Center, Farmington, CT

Board Members:

Present: C. Anthony, C. Byrne, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman, C. Scully, R. St. Pierre.

Absent: H. Monnerat, A.J. Singh

Quorum present? Yes


Meeting called to order: by L.Gezelmen at 7:01 pm

Approval of October meeting minutes: Motion to approve: R. Frey Second: C. Castrogiovanni. Motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report: Report presented $145,337.48 net in our account.

Tax Collector’s Report: Total delinquent dollar amount is lower, but there is a slight uptick to total number of people who are delinquent. Liens will be placed in January per the tax collector.

Lake Report: N/A
Old Business:
Encroachment Committee: N/A Events Committee: N/A
New Business:

Toy Drive: Presented by resident Christian Contreras benefitting the United Way and Covenant House to support children’s homelessness. The board determined that we can promote via facebook and on the website, but we will not officially affiliate with the event.

Stolen Kayaks: The two kayaks that were stolen have not been claimed. Another e-blast will go out.

Boat Committee: Proposal to email members about removal of boats by the end of November. Decals were also proposed for LGIA member boats. Slots were also proposed with communication to members come spring.

Lake Draw down: A drawn down of two boards was proposed and approved for December 18th.

Comments from members:
Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm by C. Anthony Seconded by J. Craigin

motion passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm, December 8th 2020 at the Farmington Senior Center.

Respectively submitted, Chip Anthony, Secretary

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September 2020 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: September 8th, 2020
7:00 pm Farmington Senior Center, Farmington, CT

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman, H. Monnerat, C. Scully, A.J. Singh, R. St. Pierre.

Absent: C. Byrne

Quorum present? Yes

Meeting called to order: by L.Gezelmen at 7:00 pm

Approval of August meeting minutes: Motion to approve: M. Duchow  Second: J. Cragin

Motion passes.


Treasurer’s Report: Report presented 163,498.09 cash in hand.

Tax Collector’s Report: Bills have gone out to people that are unpaid and at the end of the Covid-19 extension period. 65 people are not paid for the year and 5 people are partially paid.  In comparison to last year we are slightly behind on payments.

Lake Report: The lake has been treated since the last meeting.  Discussion about future treatment options ensued.  Future options for lake treatment contractors are being considered.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Events Committee: Idea proposed for a holiday decorating party for houses on the lake on social media.

New Business:

-Discussion about people using the lake that are not part of the association.

-Discussion about tree removal.

Elections: Will be held next month.  A newsletter will go out in the next week.


Comments from members:


Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:38 by J. Cragin Seconded by H. Monnerat passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm, October 2020 at the Farmington Senior Center.

General Meeting: 7:00 p 13m, October 13 2020 at the Farmington Senior Center.



Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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August 2020 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: August 11th, 2020
7:00 pm Battistoni, Burlington, CT

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C. Byrne, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, C. Scully, R. St. Pierre.

Absent: H. Monnerat, R. Frey, A.J. Singh.
Quorum present? Yes

Meeting called to order: by L.Gezelmen at 7:03 pm

Approval of May meeting minutes: Motion to approve: C. Castrogiovannoi   Second: C.Scully

Motion passes.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer absent.  Report presented. Net of $159,143.64 in our account.

 Tax Collector’s Report: Things continue to progress.  We have 75% more late people compared to years past.  Likely related to Covid-19 interest free forgiveness.  Letter being sent out this month.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Events Committee: Regatta has been postponed.  Looking to restart events in 2021.

Moorings and Rafts: Moorings have been approved by insurance.  Rafts must be taken out of the water each day.

Weeds Update:  R. St. Pierre has called CT Pond and will be following up about lake treatment.  Concerned parent sent an email to the board about lake treatment.  She has been followed up with.  We are looking to have Rob from CT Lake give us more advanced notice when treating the lake.  Pond and lake connection will also be contacted for a quote for treatment as a new contractor in 2021.

 New Business:

-Chickens and ducks have been an issue at the beach.  Homeowners will be contacted.

-New e-blast will be used.  Mail Chimp is proposed.

-Tree Removal:  Trees are coming down on Woodisde and Strong Street.  Proposal to spend $4,000.00 for removal.  Motion to spend $4,000.00 on tree removal: C. Anthony motion J.  Cragin 2nd.  Motion approves.

Comments from members:

Real estate agent that is advertising that the lake is deeded to them and grandfathered in as part of their mortgage.  Defunct association is what they are a part of.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:Joh by Seconded by Carol.  Motion passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm, September 8th 2020 at Battistoni Beach

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary


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June 2020 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: June 9th, 2020
7:00 pm Moore Beach, Unionville, CT

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C. Byrne, C. Castrogiovanni, M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, R. Frey, A.J. Singh.  R. St. Pierre.

Absent: C. Scully, J. Cragin, H. Monnerat,

Quorum present? Yes

Meeting called to order: by L.Gezelmen at 7:12pm

Approval of May meeting minutes:  Motion to approve: R. Frey. Second: M. Duchow

Motion passes.


Treasurer’s Report: It’s a new fiscal year. Net of $115,509.34 in our account.  Explanation of expenditures by the Treasurer.

Tax Collector’s Report: Question as to whether Covid-19 would impact payments.  We continue to be on track. A number of larger accounts are being paid by builders who are selling houses.

Clarification about the senior discount and interest was discussed.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: L. Gezelman informed a house outside of the boundry that there they would not be granted a permit.

Events Committee: Due to restrictions from Covid-19 the picnic will not be held in June.  Discussion was had about having the picnic and the regatta on the same day. L. Gezelman will discuss with H. Monnerat

New Business:

Signs: L. Gezelman will be talking with Scott Tharau about no parking sings on Monce Road.  We do not have the authority to put up enforceable no parking signs. Discussion with Officer Tom Null was had about no parking signs.

Private property signs are proposed for the three beaches. C. Castrogiovanni is heading up the project.  A motion was made for approximately $250.00 for five signs was made by C. Castrogiovanni. Second: R. Frey.

Additional lake treatment signs were proposed. C. Byrne will help with the production of signs.

Picnic Tables; Picnic tables that were broken were disposed of.  L. Gezelman proposed new picnic tables in the amount of $345.00 per table.  A motion was made to purchase 3 new picnic tables by M. Duchow. Second: C. Castrogiovanni.  Motion passed.

Boat: Suggestion of having another treatment of the lake and to have the weed boat come out in the week before the 4th of July. R. St. Pierre will be contacting the contractors.

R. Freyrey presented pictures of the drone photos of the lake treatment.

Comments from members:

-Conversation and comments about the lake and effectiveness of the treatment ensued.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:55 by C. Castrogiovanni. Seconded by C. Anthony.  Motion passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm July 14th, 2020 at Battistoni Beach

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary


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April 2020 Meeting Minutes

Tuesday April 14th, 2020

Meeting called to order 7:06 P.M. by LG

Present for the video board meeting: LG, JC, AJ, MD, HM, CB, CS, CC, RF

Absent: RS, CA

Motion made by MD;” I move that the LGIA maintain the 2020/21 tax rate at the $200.00 per property and redevelop the budget on that income.” 2nd by JC. Passed.

Motion made by MD;” I move that the LGIA defer interest charges for 90 days for delinquent 2020/21 taxes.” 2nd by AJ. Passed.

By default the 2020/21 budget will be the same as 2019/20 budget was.

Treasurer and tax collector’s reports entered as turned in for the record.

Motion made by HM to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by JC. Passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 P.M.

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February 2020 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: February 11th, 2020 7:00 pm Lake Garda Elementary School

Board Members:

Present: C. Anthony, C. Byrne, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, R. Frey, H. Monnerat, C. Scully, R. St. Pierre, A.J. Singh.

Absent: N/A
Quorum present? Yes


· Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chair, LG

· Motion by R. St. Pierre to approve December minutes. H. Monnerat seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Discussion: N/A

Treasurer’s Report: Report was presented with $131,946.08 in our account. A 2020 Budget meeting will take place in the next week. The goal is to have a proposed budget at the March Meeting for approval.

Tax Collector’s Report: One property in foreclosure is paid off. Only one property owing over $1,000.00 is left.

The Tax Collector was also investigating properties that have come off of the tax books in previous years. The properties in question are 18 Lake St., 4 Lincoln St., 48 Monce Rd and 15 Buena Vista St. Our lawyer will be contacted to investigate the best course of action.

Old Business:
Encroachment Committee: The future owners of the new house on Pond Street will need

to be contacted about an encroachment issue onto LGIA property.

Events Committee: The Easter Egg hunt was proposed and set for April 4th with a rain date of April 5th.

New Business:

-Klunkit in a driveway in a Burlington needs to be addressed. L. Gezelman will address this.

-There was discussion as to whether or not the names of people making public comments at LGIA meetings need to be added to the minutes.

-Research was done on the lake draw down. It was found that there are pros and cons to drawing the lake down. There was also a suggestion of getting a local high school or college involved to see if it’s a potential research project.

-Discussion had about when to add the boards back to the lake. This could impact clean up. L. Gezelman will be purchasing new boards for the lake as ours are no longer effective due to age.

-Suggestion from J.Craigin to open the valve for the lake in late March and advise people to clean-up when the water level is still down.

– There was discussion about a rusty flag pole that is potentially on LGIA property. L. Gezelman and R.Frey Will investigate and determine the best course of action.

Comments from members:

There was a suggestion from a Burlington resident to talk to our lake treatment contractor now about the best time to treat the lake. R. St. Pierre will contact the contractor.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:45 pm by J.Cragin. Seconded by M. Duchow Motion Carried.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm March 10th, 2020 at Lake Garda Elementary School.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony,


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