Meeting Minutes

January 2020 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: January 14th, 2020 7:00 pm Lake Garda Elementary School

Board Members:

Present: C. Anthony, C. Byrne, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, R. Frey, H. Monnerat, R. St. Pierre.

Absent: C. Castrogiovanni, C. Scully, A.J. Singh. Quorum present? Yes


· Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chair, LG

· Motion by M. Duchow to approve December minutes. J. Cragin seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Discussion: There was a question in regards to ice safety on the lake and liability. There is proper signage posted at all beaches.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurers report was presented and reviewed with a net of 132,548.18 in our account.

Tax Collector’s Report: Our second largest delinquent account was paid off last months. We are now down to only two accounts that are over $1,000.00.

Discussion was had about several accounts that have been outstanding for two years. The current process for collections seems to be working.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: No update.

Events Committee: No update.

New Business:

Discussion of the trails maps being public per an email to the board from an outside entity. The decision was made to decline the offer as we are a private association.

P and T Construction was hired for the lake scraping project in the cove. L. Gezelman and J. Cragin will be assessing what needs to be done in the coming weeks. The goal is to have them come before the lake is raised.

Comments from members:

There was discussion from a member about the effectiveness of the lake draw down. More information/recommendations are needed from the D.E.P. The member was asked to find contact information at and pass along to L. Gezelman.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:29 pm by J.Cragin. Seconded by C. Byrne Motion Carried.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm February 11th, 2020 at Lake Garda Elementary School.

Respectively submitted, Chip Anthony, Secretary

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December 2019 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: December 10th, 2019 7:00 pm Lake Garda Elementary School

Board Members:

Present: C. Anthony, C Byrne, C. Castrogiovanni, M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, R. Frey, R. St. Pierre, C. Scully.

Absent: J. Cragin, H. Monnerat, A.J. Singh. Quorum present?  Yes


· Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chair, LG
· Motion by C. Byrne to approve November minutes with corrections. M. Duchow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Discussion: There was discussion about email follow up by the board. Specifically, who follows up with what requests. The lowering of the lake and land erosion was also discussed at length.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurers report was presented and reviewed.

Tax Collector’s Report: A couple of delinquent accounts in the $500.00 – $1000.00 range were paid off. Otherwise collections continue at a normal rate.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: No update.

Events Committee: No update.

New Business: No update.

Comments from members: No update

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:32 pm by C. Anthony. Seconded by R. St. Pierre. Motion Carried.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm January 14th, 2020 at Lake Garda Elementary School.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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November 2019 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: November 11th, 2019
7:00 pm Lake Garda Elementary School

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C Byrne, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, R. Frey, R. St. Pierre, C. Scully, A.J. Singh.

Absent: H. Monnerat

Quorum present? Yes

· Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Chair, LG
· Motion by J. Cragin to approve October minutes. M. Duchow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Total cash in hand is at $155,289.26.

Tax Collector’s Report: Four large accounts have been paid off. We are tracking almost the same delinquency as prior years.  Two of the four largest accounts have been in touch for information about payoff amounts.  The other two accounts are making periodic payments.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: No update.

Events Committee: No update.

New Business:

Tree Removal: Trees on Strong Street and School street require removal/pruning.  All of the trees have wires involved. The quote for the work was in the amount of $1,750.00. J. Cragin made a motion to to move forward with the work. Seconded by A.J. Singh.  Motion carried.

Lake Treatment Plan: We are still under contract for the next year with our current lake treatment contractor.  The President plans on removing all boards soon and replacing them.

A question was asked if the clean up boat we had last year was going to be in the budget for 2020 and the answer was yes for 2 days.

The Vice President mentioned looking into a dredging project near Battistoni Beach and that it could likely be $5,000.00-$7,000.00.

The President will be looking into assigning some lake duties to directors.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:17 pm by M. Duchow.  Seconded A.J. Singh. Motion Carries.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm December 9th, 2019 at Lake Garda Elementary School.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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October 2019 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: October 8th, 2019
7:00 pm Lake Garda Elementary School

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C Byrne, J. Cragin M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, H. Monnerat, R. St. Pierre, C. Scully, A.J. Singh, B. Simard.

 Absent: N/A
Quorum present? Yes

· Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chair, LG
· Motion by H. Monnerat to approve September minutes. M. Duchow seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer is looking into new re-investment options for our CD.

A new snowplow contract was signed with Ahlgren in the amount of $10,250.00 a year to be made in five payments per year for three years.

Tax Collector’s Report: Stats are almost identical to last year at this time.  There are a few people who have passed the $1,000.00 mark and letters have gone out to a few properties that have surpassed the $500.00 mark.  2012 debt is cleared off the books.

Lake Report: No update.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: No update.

Events Committee: The Regatta/Poker Run took place on a re-scheduled day.

New Business:

Tree Removal: Tree on school street rotted and fell.  Mclellan Tree Service was called and $1,875.00 was proposed for the removal of 15 trees. H. Monnerat made a motion to cut the trees down.  Seconded by J. Cragin.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:17 pm by H. Monnerat.  Seconded C. Scully. Motion Passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm November 11th, 2019 at Lake Garda Elementary School.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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September 2019 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: September 10th, 2019
7:00 pm Lake Garda Elementary School

Board Members:
Present: C. Anthony, C Byrne, J. Cragin M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, H. Monnerat, R. St. Pierre, C. Scully, A.J. Singh, B. Simard.

 Absent: N/A

Quorum present? Yes

· Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chair, LG
· Motion by L. Gezelman to approve August minutes. H. Monnerat made a motion to approve the minutes.  Seconded by J. Cragin.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: There were larger expenses and the lake treatment was costlier than in years past.  This was due to the weed removal and treatment of the lake.

Our CD has matured with an ROI of $4,348.51.  At the recommendation of the treasurer we will reinvest the original $100,000.00 into a new CD and roll the $4,348.51 into the general fund.

Tax Collector’s Report: Collections are up from the last meeting in August and are tracking with this time last year.  The total number of delinquents is at 43.

There are 5 new delinquents who have been turned over to our legal team for collection.

Lake Report: No update.

Old Business:

Encroachment Committee: No update.

Events Committee: The Regatta/Poker Run is this Saturday, September 14 with a rain date of Sunday September 15.  There has been an increase in the number of participants and the event will take place as scheduled.

New Business:

Tree Removal: The tree removal project that was approved in August had additional hanging limbs (widow makers) that were a liability and needed to be.  This added to the cost of the project.

Pine Street Ext/Mountain View Potholes: The President was contacted by a resident about massive potholes and erosion on Pine Street Ext/Mountain View.  A contractor was brought out to assess the project and quoted $7,728.00.  discussion in regards to timing was had.

Motion made by H. Monnerat to approve the project and quote.  Motion seconded by M. Duchow.  Motion passed.

Nominating Committee: 5 primary officer positions are up for voting with all current officers running again.

2 director’s positions are up for election. Submissions have been made with intent to run for open positions.  Members are still able to run for positions and be nominated at the October meeting.

Fee Increase: A conversation to discuss a tax increase was proposed by B. Simard.  Further discussion to be had with the Tax Collector and the Finance Committee.

Lake Street Property: The property on Lake Street has been washing out with heavy rain.  L. Gezelmen will reach out to the homeowners.

Public Comments:

  • Question about the calendar on the website being used to keep LGIA Members updated. This will be look into by the Secretary.
  • Discussion of putting together a committee to create a plan for weed control/water clean-up for next year. Scully will be researching the bylaws and creation of this committee and will address this at the October meeting.
  • Question was asked about adding houses to the association. Per the bylaws, houses further than 500 feet cannot be added.
  • Question was asked about stocking the lake with fish. We will not be stocking the lake at this time.
  • Rob Fuoco was informed by president L. Gezelmen that effective immediately the group of individuals that come out under his foundation are not to do any work on LGIA property until further notice. Work can continue on his personal property.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:58 pm by J. Cragin.  Seconded C. Anthony. Motion Passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm October 8th, 2019 at Lake Garda Elementary School.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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August 2019 Meeting Minutes

Microsoft Word – LGIA Board Meeting Minutes August 2019.docx

Board Members:

Present: C. Anthony, C Byrne, J. Cragin M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, H. Monnerat, R. St. Pierre, C. Scully, B. Simard.

Absent: A.J. Singh Quorum present? Yes


· Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chair, LG
· Motion by L. Gezelman to approve July minutes. Motion passed.

Items for New Business: N/A

Treasurer’s Report: Discussion about what to do with the $100,000.00 in our CD that is coming to the end of it’s term. The recommendation by the treasurer (not present) was to roll the money into a new CD. R. St. Pierre made a motion to approve this. Seconded by J. Cragin. Motion passed.

Tax Collector’s Report: Collections are up from the last meeting in July and are even with this time last year.

There was a decrease in properties by one because of the land at 9 Pond street being divided into two properties as opposed to three which was previously thought. Liens will be applied to the properties next week.

Lake Report: No update. Old Business:

School Street Drainage: The drainage and fencing are completed at the cost of $48,056.85. This money came from old debt collected in the amount of $60,000.00 and named in the budget for maintenance of the roads that was previously discussed at the June and July meetings.

Encroachment Committee: No update.

Events Committee: The date for the Regatta/Poker Run was postponed due to the condition of the lake. It has been rescheduled to Saturday, September 14 with a rain date of Sunday September 15.

New Business:

Tree Removal: Three trees are down in the lake. McLellan Tree Service came out to asses what it would take to remove the trees and come up with the most economical solution. The brush will be chipped up and added to the walking trails. The trees will then be logged and then placed in a position that does not interfere with the trails and left as a money saving measure. The quote for the entire job was $2,900.00. H. Monnerat made a motion to approve this project. C. Anthony seconded. Motion passed.

A tree on Lakeview is dead and is leaning over power lines, quote to take it down was for $350. Motion made by J Cragin to remove the tree. Motion passed.

Brush Removal: There are several places where brush needs to be removed around the lake. The quote was for $700.00 for cutting back and removal. Motion made by C. Anthony to approve this project. Seconded by J. Cragin. Motion Passed.

Further research will be done about spraying these sections in the future to prevent further growth.

Lake Cleaning: With research from members the cost of lake cleanup and weed removal with a special eco-friendly motorboat was found to cost $2,200.00 per day. This number is tax free as it is all labor. There is a potential that this project could take two days.

In addition, there will need to be removal of the weeds deposited on the shore which has been quoted at $750.00. H. Monnerat made a motion to approve up to $6000.00 for this project. C. Anthony seconded. Motion passed.

Public Comments:

  • Discussion about weed control in the future, L. Gezelman will do research on it, so we can get ahead of the weed problem.
  • Discussion about the 3 types of meeting and rules to have them. C. Scully will look into that.
  • Discussion about the web site out of date and getting it up to date from now forward. Will be looked into and necessary changes made.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 7:58 pm by J. Cragin. Motion Passed.

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm September 13th, 2019 at Lake Garda Elementary School.

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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July 2019 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association
Board Meeting Minutes: July 9th, 2019
7:00 pm Battistoni Beach

Board Members: 
Present: C. Anthony, C Byrne, M. Duchow, L. Gezelman, H. Monnerat, C. Scully, B. Simard

Absent: J. Cragin, R. St. Pierre, A.J. Singh
Quorum present? Yes

· Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chair, LG
· Motion by L. Gezelman to approve May minutes with minor spelling corrections.  Motion     passed.

· Motion by L. Gezelman to approve June minutes.  Motion passed

Items for New Business:

  • Removal of dead trees around the lake was discussed.  L.Gezelman will be looking into this.
  • Discussion of potentially sending out a letter to lakefront properties to remove dead trees.

Treasurer’s Report: Property taxes were paid out to the Farmington Tax Collector ($3,318.65) and the Burlington Tax Collector ($3,525.06).

A conversation was had at both the June and July meetings why the old debt collected in the amount of $60,000.00 and named in the budget for maintenance of the roads is not in the monthly report.  Further clarification is needed.

Tax Collector’s Report: Collections of Member taxes are slower than the previous year.  Currently we are at a delinquency rate of about 20%.

Lake Report: No update.

Old Business:

School Street Drainage: The deposit check for the fencing is ready to be sent out.  The remaining two thirds of the balance will be paid upon completion of the project.

Encroachment Committee: No update.

Events Committee: The date for the Regatta/Poker Run was set for Saturday August 10th from 11:00am-2:00pm.

New Business:

New Signs: The new signs with the rules are up at all 3 beaches. H. Monerat made a motion to pay up to $500.00 for new LGIA Neighborhood signs.  Motion passed.

Forms to be filed: The M-1, M-20-A will need to be filed.  L. Gezelman will follow up with A.J. Singh.

Bridge: The bridge on the 8 acres is in need of repair and was estimated at $600.00 in materials.  It is 20 years old. L. Gezelman will be handling the project.

Nomination Committee: We are looking to fill two Director positions for the upcoming election. One candidate must be from Unionville and the other may be from either Burlington or Unionville.

Fencing/Barriers at Battistoni Beach: Several different types of fencing were suggested.  The movement of existing boulders and the addition of new boulders was suggested and met with consensus.

Dogs Barking: Dogs barking in various neighborhoods was discussed.  We would like to invite an animal control officer to attend a LGIA Board Meeting and present suggestions.

Public Comments:

  • Lake Garda residents had questions about the Lake treatment plan and specifically how and when it has been treated.  One resident will be researching quotes for companies to remove dead weeds on the surface.

Meeting adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 8:19 pm by C. Scully, seconded by M. Duchow

Next Meeting: 7:00 pm August 13, 2019 at Children’s Beach

Respectively submitted,

Chip Anthony, Secretary

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