You can help when it comes to maintaining the health and beauty of the Lake by following the simple rules highlighted above. All Lake Garda Improvement rules and regulations apply to all property owners in the community whether they are on the lake or not. Guests are always welcome when accompanied by their sponsoring member.
Guests must abide by all rules of the community. Beach Rules and Lake Use Rules are posted on each beach. Please take out what you brought in including any food or beverages as they may attract geese. Use the areas off to the sides of the beaches when dumping any coolers or beverages. Please help to keep our beaches clean by picking up any trash left behind by others. Glass in any form is strictly prohibited due to safety concerns.
Reduce Watershed Runoff – One of the most significant problems facing the lake is excessive runoff from surrounding yards and areas immediately around the lake. This runoff contributes to both high nitrogen levels and sedimentation. Every property is part of the Lake Garda watershed as the runoff will eventually reach the lake via street gutters and storm drains.
Avoid excessive tree cutting and lose dirt excavation that may allow erosion to occur. LGIA has a tree management policy that will assist you in your tree maintenance needs and is summarized below.
Please keep leaves, lawn clippings, tree and shrub branches and household trash from blowing or otherwise entering the streets and storm drains or directly into the lake. Sweep up sand and debris before it enters into the storm drain system and empties into the lake. Do not deposit leaves into the lake. When disturbing protective topsoil or landscaping during construction, tree planting or removal, major lawn or garden work a protective silt fence or a catchment to trap runoff must be installed. Effective silt fences are strong enough to prevent heavy rains from over running their borders, and should remain in place long enough after replacement ground cover is established to ensure erosion is controlled.