May 2024 Meeting Minutes

May 2024 Meeting Minutes

Lake Garda Improvement Association

Board Meeting Minutes: May 14th, 2024

7:00 pm 321 New Britain Ave – Farmington Senior Center

Board Members:

Present: P. Anthony, C. Castrogiovanni, J. Cragin, M. Duchow, R. Frey, L. Gezelman, S. Manafort, C. Scully, A.J. Singh.

Absent: J. McNeil.

Quorum present? Yes


  • Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm by Chair, L. Gezelman
  • Board President LG called for items of new business
  • Motion to approve the April meeting minutes. Motion made by C. Castrogiovanni, second by S. Manafort. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report Report presented by A.J. Singh and will be placed on record.

Tax Collector Report: Report presented by M. Duchow. The report will be placed on record.

Lake Report: First treatment for the lake will be on Friday 5/17.  This is the first year of a new three year contract so there was a slight delay in the timing of the first treatment. Further discussion was had about the logistics of the treatments.

Encroachment Committee: N/A

Event Committee Report:  N/A

Old Business:

New Business: Paddleboarding Club was proposed by S. Manafort. An email will go out on June 4th to the membership with details.

-The fishing area at Battistoni Beach will need a new sign and an additional email about fishing hooks at the beaches and the importance of keeping tackle organized and respecting the property.

Comments by association members:

-Marie Simard commented on the new signs at the beaches and how great they look.

-Marie also asked for the board to consider the grate in Bull Pond to be cleaned regularly as her husband has been doing it without compensation and she requested he be compensated for his efforts. The board will discuss this matter.

-She also mentioned and showed pictures of erosion in one of the coves and had a quote for shrubs that could potentially help with the problem. S. Manafort made a motion to spend up to $500.00 for a Pollinator Pathways project to buy and plant the plants. Seconded by A.J. Singh. Motion passed.

-A comment about insurance came up and was answered by the President and board members.

-Comments about regulation changes of Airbnb’s and what that means for the association. We will be monitoring what the towns of Farmington and Burlington do prior to taking any action.

-The Facebook page needs to be updated. That will be handled by board members.

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 byJ. Cragin. Seconded by S. Manafort. Motion passed.

The summer meeting schedule is as follows:

-Battistoni Beach on June 11th

-Children’s Beach on July 9th

-Moore Beach in August 13th

Next meeting is June 11th 2024 at 7:00 pm Battistoni Beach.